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This feature of Stakeeasy lets a user to claim his/her rewards received by unstaking seSCRT. The rewards will be available to claim from the Account page once the seSCRT has completed unstaking after a period of 21 days.

Users can check the amount available to claim in the Balances section on the Stake page. Also, if there is any amount available to be claimed, a red dot badge will appear on the Account menu in the navbar.

Claiming amount

Users can claim there amount by going on the Account page and following these steps:

  1. On the Account page, scroll down to the Claimable Amount section.
  2. If you don't have any amount to be claimed you will see a message saying "No amount available to be claimed". Otherwise you will see the amount available to be claimed along with a Claim button. From the toggle switch, choose between SCRT or sSCRT coin in which you want your reward to be claimed.
  3. Click on the Claim button to start the transaction.
  4. A Keplr wallet modal will appear after few seconds of processing. Select the gas fee and Approve the request to complete the transaction.
  5. The amount will be added to your respective balance. Refresh the page if you don't see increment in the balance.